Locksmith UK

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London Locksmith *new Site* March 3, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — cazuk @ 3:35 pm

Our friends down south have unvield there new website http://www.locksmithlondon24hour.info just like us here in Nottingham London Locksmith is part of the Locksmart network, i have personally worked with Matt and John and there are fantastic guys with a lot of knowlege and a true desire for locksmithing recently we attended a open day for the locksmith federation at one of there training centers in Bedforshire and had a long chat about todays market and what has to be done to try and get people to be more security concous and to protect there home and some of the ideas they had were ground braking and i will be implementing them in the next few months. Great Guys and very good locksmiths


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